Yay for our team! Did I tell how much I love this team. Its awesome. And I just hope we all can go there...It is really hard to cobble up a team that is so different and yet meshes so well together.
This team is really strong and I feel that it is my responsibility to do all that I can and all that is expected from me to help our team go there in its original avatar. Everyone who was originally selected - no one left behind.
Good luck to all of us who have been facing some or other problems. With God's grace, all the problems that are being faced will get resolved before the next semester begins :). If not, we will still work on 'em and make sure they get resolved. Good luck to all and Merry Christmas.
P.S. I think our stuff for the bazaar is coming along really well. Good luck and thanks to everyone.
Vietnam Team Journal
This is about what we do, what we think, and how we feel. This journal is for all members of the Ohio Wesleyan University Spring Break Mission Week team to Vietnam, for our friends and families. For more information about us, please see http://chaplain.owu.edu/vietnam
Oh what an insightful thought Dr. Lisa. I agree with what you have said. Before I was about to come to America, my mom was scared about me leaving them and coming here, especially since I am the only child. But we as a family helped her come over that by talking with each other and it took a lot of support from my dad, who also convinced her that it would be good for me. It was hard for her for several weeks even after I was here, but today my mom is proud of what I have become as a result of my experiences here.
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